Ontario Nature Blog
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© Lora Denis
November 10, 2022–Anne Bell
Greenbelt and Greenway•Habitat•Land-use planning•Water•Wetlands
Green heron and midland painted turtle, Mud Lake, Britannia Conservation Area © Adam Mooz CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
On October 25th, the Government of Ontario tabled Bill 23, the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, an omnibus bill proposing sweeping changes to the province’s natural heritage and land use planning legislation and policy. Overall, Bill 23 and associated policies remove and weaken environmental protections and diminish the role of Ontarians in land use planning and decision-making.
Below is only a preliminary and partial list of concerns raised by community groups, environmental organizations and many others about Bill 23. Our collective understanding of the bill and its implications is evolving. Please stay tuned for further updates and calls to action.
The planning powers of seven regional municipalities – i.e., Simcoe, Durham, Halton, Peel, Niagara, Waterloo and York – would be removed. Coordinated regional planning to protect farmland and natural areas, to determine optimal locations for development and infrastructure, and to efficiently deliver municipal services would be eliminated. These changes, on top of the reduced powers of CAs, would lead to uncoordinated, piecemeal planning across the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
Accompanying the proposed legislative changes listed above are several proposed policy changes that would have a profound and devastating impact on Ontario’s natural heritage.
All in all, Bill 23 and the accompanying policy changes spell disaster for the farmland and natural areas that sustain us. If passed, these changes will set land use planning back decades and will stymie societal efforts to address the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss through enlightened environmental planning and decision-making.
Northern leopard frog © Jozsef Szasz-Fabian
Great post breaking down Bill 23 and its implications! You’ve made complex legislation more accessible and understandable. It’s important for people to stay informed about how such bills impact the environment and local communities. Thanks for sharing this valuable information!
I own a piece of land. In 2006 the government came along and classified it as wetlands. I’m now stuck with it and can’t build on it or sell it. They have deprecated my land and it’s not fair. Put yourself in my shoes . They should buy the land if they are going to control it.
Anyone have any suggestions for me?
The Ontario Government’s Bill 23 is ill advised and hazardous for sustainable development on many counts. It needs to be drastically revised or abandoned as it will cause more harm than good.
The Greenbelt is NOT the solution to lack of affordable housing.
We need to remember without nature, we are nothing and have nothing. We can’t keep going against nature, because we are nature. We are a planet that is diverse, and without these beings, there is no more earth.
It is a pivotal moment in the future of this province. This Bill 23 will only lead to disaster and set a precedent for future desecration of similar environmentally sensitive areas and decrease valuable farm land. Please stop Bill 23.
Humans are not the only beings on our planet. Run, don’t walk, to stop Bill 23.
Olser Harcourt law firm used by City of Niagara Falls against me is putting out information which ignores threats caused by the province’s review of the wetland manual. Please go to Environmental Registry and protest these now.
Hi John, thanks for your interest in this. Here’s the ERO posting on offsetting: https://ero.ontario.ca/notice/019-6161. Deadline for comment is December 30. Note that the framing (responding to the housing crisis and conserving nature) obscures what this is truly about. For more information on offsetting, we just published this blog: https://ontarionature.org/wetland-offsetting-does-it-really-work-blog.
Thanks Steve
I agree with dangers in government agenda. However, I have not seen any indication that t hey are proposing wetland offsetting. If they are could you provide more information to me since I will be speaking to a reporter about wetland policy in a few days.
Stop bill 23
I have shared this on Facebook; I can’t sign the petition as I live in Quebec, but I grew up in Ontario and want to make as many of my friends in Ontario aware of this as possible.