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Christmas Bird Count

Running from December 14th to January 5th, the counts contribute to community science and are open to everyone.

© Noah Cole


Each year, Ontario Nature member groups organize bird counts in their communities across Ontario as part of holiday traditions. A festive seasonal activity, the annual Christmas Bird Counts (CBCs) welcome birders of all skill levels to these free events.

CBCs bring community scientists around the western hemisphere to count as many different species, and individuals of those species as possible over the course of a single day within a 24-kilometre diameter circle.

Join a bird count in your area this holiday season to contribute to bird research in North America.

Common redpoll © Missy Mandel

Christmas Bird Counts

The Christmas Bird Count has been running for an incredible 125 years through thick and thin, making it North America’s longest-running wildlife census.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get outside with other nature enthusiasts of all levels to help our feathered friends.

Evening grosbeak © Barry Ferg CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“The Christmas Bird Count is a fun tradition with an important goal – bird study and conservation. It’s great to see expert and novice birders working together to spot as many species as possible, regardless of the weather.”

– Anne Bell, former Ontario Nature director of conservation and education

Listings for 2024–25

There is no cost to join a Christmas Bird Count. The counts present participants with the opportunity to connect with nature while collecting important data about Ontario’s birds, and to reap the benefits of both.

The Nature Network group counts are a fun way to learn more about birds. Count leaders are friendly and inclusive. Whether you are new to birding or have years of experience, you’ll be welcomed.

Please register with the area’s local contact.

© Elaine Uskoski
Peninsula Field Naturalists, Christmas Bird Count © Noah Cole


The data collected help researchers and conservation groups study the long-term abundance and ranges of birds across North America. Armed with one of the world’s largest sets of wildlife data, groups like Ontario Nature can effectively run and evaluate conservation activities.

Birds Canada oversees Canada’s Christmas Bird Counts along with the National Audubon Society.

Barred owl © Nature Barrie


For more information about Christmas Bird Counts, please contact Birds Canada at 1-888-448-2473 ext. 198. or CBC@birdscanada.org

For information about Ontario Nature member group counts, please contact the local organizer.

For media inquiries, contact John Hassell, Director of Communications and Engagement, at 416-444-8419 ext. 269 or johnh@ontarionature.org.

To contact the National Audubon Society, email cbcadmin@audubon.org.

Rouge Park Christmas Bird Count © Noah Cole

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