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Advocate for Nature

Take action for the wild species and wild spaces that we all love.

Fox pups © Carolina K Smith

Immediate Action Needed to Restore Provincial Wetland Protections in Ontario

Ontario’s wetlands are incredibly valuable for many reasons. Wetlands mitigate flooding, store carbon and provide habitat for a diverse range of species, making them significant nature-based climate solution powerhouses. However, these powerhouses need our help now more than ever.

Wetland loss has already exceeded 72 percent in southern Ontario, and losses are ongoing. To make matters worse, changes to Ontario’s planning policy and legislation over the past several years have undermined wetland protection across the province, accelerating wetland loss.

Lake Nipissing shoreline wetlands © Vanessa Denov

Please ask the Minister to restore the integrity of the Endangered Species Act

Protecting species at risk is essential for the long-term health and diversity of Ontario’s ecosystems. Yet, Ontario continues to lose more biodiversity than it conserves.

The Endangered Species Act (the Act), affirms that the “present generation of Ontarians should protect species at risk for future generations”. Yet, changes to the Act, its regulations and implementation since 2019 undermine its purpose to protect species, their habitats and promote recovery of species that are at risk.

Boreal caribou © Eryne CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Immediate Action Needed to Protect Wolf Lake’s Old-growth Red Pine Forest

Please join Ontario Nature and the Wolf Lake Coalition in urging the Government of Ontario to halt mining activities in Wolf Lake Forest Reserve and add the forest to Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park.

This is a golden opportunity to fulfil a decades-old promise and protect a critically endangered ecosystem while contributing to national and international biodiversity goals.

Wolf Lake © Ryan Mariotti

Strategy Needed to Implement Expert Recommendations on Protected Areas

On April 1, 2021 the Ontario government appointed a working group of conservation experts to “identify opportunities to protect and conserve more natural areas.” The report and recommendations of the group urges immediate action, proposes a strategic framework for expanding protected areas, and calls for a “steadfast commitment from the top.”

Please join us in urging Ontario’s Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks to partner with Indigenous Nations and engage the public in developing and implementing a strategy to protect 30 percent of lands and waters in Ontario by 2030.

Black Bay Peninsula © Superior Hiking CC BY 2.0

Minister’s Zoning Orders

While we all grapple with the social and economic impacts of a global pandemic, the Government of Ontario is quietly setting the stage for development projects to proceed without public consultation or the right to appeal. The recent flurry of Minister’s Zoning Orders is fast-tracking development on farmland and greenspace. Expediting this sort of short-sighted development while keeping Ontarians in the dark does not serve the public interest.

Our focus should be on enhancing community resilience to climate change and potential future pandemics. To do so we must enable and support public participation in determining the future of our farmlands, forests, wetlands and other natural areas. Please join us in demanding greater public accountability and enhanced community resilience to climate change.

Markham © Joe Mabel CC BY-SA 2.0

Become an Advocate

Tens of thousands of people are raising their voices as advocates for the protection of Ontario’s wild species and wild spaces – people who are willing to take that extra step by contacting decision-makers. Will you join them?

Bald Eagle © Bill McDonald


You can make an enormous difference and it’s free!

Ontario Nature’s advocates helped with campaigns that led to a conservation plan for the Oak Ridges Moraine, an 80 percent reduction in neonicotinoid pesticides, wetland and woodlot protection, establishment of 2.4 million hectares of new protected areas, and much more.

Oak Ridges Moraine © Jason Kalmbach

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