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Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas

In Ontario, 75 percent of reptiles and 35 percent of amphibians are listed as nationally and provincially at risk.

Blanding's turtle © Scott Gillingwater

Atlas Publication

The Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas (ORAA) publication documents current knowledge of the distribution of reptiles and amphibians. This will inform ongoing conservation work. The publication is the most comprehensive source of information available!

Through extensive outreach and community-building efforts, the ORAA has increased public awareness and appreciation of Ontario’s reptiles and amphibians and their plight. It has also engaged people from across the province in research and conservation at an unprecedented scale.

The atlas publication is 443 information-packed pages, supported by more than 70 maps and 300 photographs.

Bullfrog © Brad Thompson

Atlas StoryMap

Check out our StoryMap to read six stories about Ontario’s reptiles and amphibians that present fascinating perspectives based on data collected across each atlas effort.

Five-Lined Skink Juvenile © James Paterson

Atlas History

The first reptile and amphibian atlas in Ontario was launched by the Ontario Herpetofaunal Summary (OHS) in 1984 and was maintained until 2009. In 2008, the Eastern Ontario Herpetofaunal Atlas (EOHA) reinvigorated data collection efforts in Eastern Ontario, and Ontario Nature expanded these efforts to the provincial scale in 2009 through the Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas (ORAA).

After 10 years of data collection by over 12,000 volunteers, the ORAA transitioned into a new era in 2019, with Ontario Nature wrapping-up the data collection phase and shifting to data analysis for publication of the Atlas in 2023. This Ontario Nature publication uses data collected by the ORAA and past atlas efforts to document current knowledge of the distribution of reptiles and amphibians in Ontario to inform ongoing conservation efforts. 

We are grateful to the many atlas contributors and community scientists.

Herp boards © Samantha Demers

Atlas Next Steps

While the ORAA is no longer collecting observations, the need to document reptiles and amphibians across the province remains. We encourage you to continue submitting observations through the ‘Herps of Ontario’ project on iNaturalist or directly to the Natural Heritage Information Centre for species at risk.

Check out the Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas publication for guidance on where continued surveys for reptiles and amphibians are needed in Ontario.

Spotted salamander © Ryan Wolfe

Check out our comprehensive online guide about Ontario’s reptiles and amphibians including descriptions, habitat, biology, threats, trends, range maps, status and protection.

Smooth greensnake © Mike Weissmann

Test your species identification knowledge with our online quizzes about reptiles and amphibians in Ontario – including two levels of difficulty.

Red-spotted newt eft © Joe Crowley


Five-lined skink © Noah Cole


By contributing sightings to the atlas your data directly supported conservation initiatives across the province. A few of the ways that contributed data has informed conservation include:

Read the atlas publication for more details about its impact.

Gray ratsnake field research © Scott Gillingwater

The Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas is generously supported by:

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Blazing Star Environmental logo
MEC, Mountain Equipment Co-op logo

Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Survey Course

Ontario Wildlife Foundation logo

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Tapp Audio

TD Friends of the Environment logo
Toronto Zoo logo

Hodgson Family

Government of Canada logo

Government of Canada through: Environment Canada – Habitat Stewardship Program, ECO Canada, Science Horizons Youth Internship Program, Canada Summer Jobs, CICan, Natural Resources Canada