Lost Bay Nature Reserve © Joe Crowley
Give Today
We have an incredible opportunity right now to purchase a 50-acre parcel of land and expand our Lost Bay Nature Reserve in the globally important Frontenac Arch area of eastern Ontario. And we need your help!
Together, we must act swiftly to acquire this unique 50-acre piece of land and protect if forever.

Protect Your Share
The Frontenac Arch is one of the most biodiverse regions in Canada. Here, the Canadian Shield from the Algonquin Highlands meets the Adirondack Mountains from the south, forming part of the ancient backbone of eastern North America.
With extensive shoreline, granite ridges, rich hardwood forest and Provincially Significant Wetlands, this landscape supports a diversity of wildlife.
This area has become a special place of refuge for species that are highly endangered elsewhere in Ontario, like cerulean warbler and gray ratsnake. Found in the area are 24 at-risk species and 16 provincially rare species including Blanding’s turtle, flooded jelly lichen and black ash.
Nature Corridor
The Lost Bay Nature Reserve extends a nature corridor within the Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve, providing a critical habitat link for terrestrial and aquatic species. This area acts as a funnel for migrating birds, bats, insects and animals with large home ranges. At the convergence of five forest regions, the area supports globally significant biodiversity, important ecological functions and a unique suite of rare species.
Located within three kilometres of four Provincially Significant Wetlands, this new parcel not only safeguards an important connection for wildlife to move and migrate between these wetlands, it also enhances landscape resilience to many anticipated impacts of climate change, including flooding and drought.
How You Can Help
Ontario Nature urgently needs to raise $200,000 to realize this unique opportunity and expand our Lost Bay Nature Reserve. You can help by making a gift today.
Your gift will allow Ontario Nature to protect this property forever, and it will fund the long-term stewardship of critical wetlands and interior forests. Thank you!
Please contact Lisa Kamenar at 416-444-8419 ext. 233 or lisak@ontarionature.org to learn more.