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© Lora Denis
Sewage and shoreline pollution © Viv Lynch CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
On July 8, the Government of Ontario introduced an omnibus bill (Bill 197) which proposes to amend 20 pieces of legislation with minimum debate in the Legislature and no public consultation. Ramming it through at lightning speed, the government may sneak the new law through as early as next week, minimizing any opportunity for public scrutiny.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. While Ontarians grapple with the social and economic impacts of a global pandemic, the government is fast-tracking a bill that will negatively impact the health of our communities and environment for years to come through changes to the Environmental Assessment Act, the Planning Act, and more. “For the most part, the proposed changes serve to speed up development at the expense of environmental protection and public participation rights,” says Theresa McClenaghan, Executive Director and Counsel at the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA).
2. With scornful disregard, the government is ignoring the legal requirement under the Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) to provide at least a 30-day public consultation on changes to the Environmental Assessment Act (EAA), one of Ontario’s oldest and most important environmental laws. Using Bill 197 to make this unlawful amendment lawful after the fact by retroactively dispensing with the EBR consultation requirement is appallingly cynical.
3. Changes to the EAA would mean that no industrial or development projects are automatically subject to an environmental assessment, a measure in place to ensure an upfront public examination of potential impacts before projects proceed. Instead, the Act would cover only projects designated by Cabinet – and Bill 197 is silent on the criteria for determining what might be included. While the EAA has traditionally applied to landfills, incinerators, hazardous waste facilities, electricity projects, sewage works, roads and highways, Cabinet would have “unfettered discretion” to list which projects are subject (or not) to an assessment.
4. Changes to the EAA would disallow residents of Ontario (except for Indigenous communities) from seeking more robust environmental assessments of contentious projects (i.e., through “bump-up” requests). The government is consequently squashing opportunities for the public to bring forward concerns. It is also ignoring longstanding calls for a more appropriate and transparent approach to dealing with bump-up requests, for example by the Auditor General (2016) and the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (Annual Report 2007-2008).
5. Changes to the EAA come on the heels of other legislative amendments constraining environmental assessments. For example, as recently as July 1st, the government exempted forestry activities from the requirements of the EAA, on the premise that it would reduce red tape by eliminating duplication with Ontario’s Crown Forest Sustainability Act. Yet, as CELA counsel Joseph Castrilli explains, the duplication theory doesn’t correspond with reality. The forestry exemption “will negatively impact Ontario’s forests, Indigenous people who depend on the health of those forests to protect their own health, and all the rest of us.”
6. Changes to the Planning Act will make it easier for the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to unilaterally issue zoning orders which circumvent expected public participation in important land use planning decisions about the future of our communities. Minister’s zoning orders provide no opportunity for public input and are not subject to appeal. The amendment would allow the Minister to reach even more deeply into the planning process and overrule decisions by municipal councils and planning staff.
7. Omnibus Bill 197, titled the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Act, reflects an insidious pattern of environmental deregulation, set by three other omnibus bills tabled since the government came into power two years ago (Bill 66 Restoring Ontario’s Competitiveness Act; Bill 108 More Homes, More Choice Act; Bill 132 Better for People, Smarter for Business Act). As with the earlier bills, the government is proposing sweeping changes that would reduce or eliminate environmental protections and dramatically undermine public oversight and participation in environmental decision-making. Like the other bills, the promising title of Bill 197 poorly reflects the content of the bill and hides its negative environmental, social and economic implications. As noted by CELA, Bill 197 “largely ignores worldwide calls for a green and just recovery.”
Just last week, the United Nations released a report linking environmental degradation with future pandemics. With the government intent on pushing through Bill 197 with the utmost haste, it is urgent that Ontarians reach out to MPPs with equal speed to express our concerns about the regressive and damaging changes outlined above. For the name of and contact information for your MPP, click here. (Scroll down to search by postal code). Ask your MPP to stand up for environmental health and community well-being by voting against Bill 197.
© Lena Morrison
How this could happen in Canada is beyond me!! We pride ourselves as having a robust democracy where the voices of citizens from ALL walks of life is heard by governments before major decisions are made. This bill is so shockingly anti-democratic i feel physically ill: is it possible for governments in our country to simply pretend democracy doesn’t exist, and just yank the rug out from under 99% of the citizens with virtually no warning, and in the sneakiest, most underhanded manner possible? If so, i fear for our nation: we could become a backwater and a laughing stock, with a wrecked environment, consumer and nature protections vastly diminished, and the already wealthy and powerful swiftly forming a self-perpetuating oligarchy where democracy is just a word and no longer a reality.
I have lost track. What is the status of Bill 197?. There should be a province wide demonstration/fact forum in every municipality and region across Ontario. On one fell swoop, the Ford government has transported Ontario to the dark ages. This action will cost us billions.
Well that is what happens when you can’t get anything done due to never ending hearings brought forth by special interest groups. Welcome to Canada where nothing gets done and lawyers get rich. And the country circles the bowl drowning in a sea of debt.
Communities should ALWAYS be consulted especially when it involves ecological issues! It is our backyard! Mr Ford’s pals, multi-million dollar developers, must be patting him on the back with ferver!
Come on MPPs, stand up and do your job.
While public consultations is mandatory, the mechanism of approving development projects should also be revamped to prevent delays. Waiting years for approval is counterproductive.
We need to protect our precious nature areas. Doug Ford is distracting Ontarians in order to take our green spaces away.
We should have a voice with whatever goes on in our own backyard. I always have reservations giving politicians ultimate power. Communism at its best.
It looks like Doug Ford is following TRUMP’s lead on environmental issues. Are OUR national parks next?
This is appalling! Bill 197 will set us back decades on the environmental protection front.
Thank you everyone for caring about this issue! We hope that by now you have contacted your MPPs and expressed your concerns.
To stay up to date on this and other current conservation issues please sign up to be an advocate for nature! Go to our Take Action tab and click on Advocate for Nature to sign up. We will also post updates on this issue on our social media channels (@ontarionature – Twitter, Facebook and Instagram).
ON Melina
We need to protect our environment.
Public consultation is crucial if we are to be effective stewards for the land. Hiding behind the pandemic as justification for curtailing this important democratic process is just WRONG. Thank you for sharing this petition and the articles related to the recent short sighted, self-serving and corrosive provincial government actions.
This has to be stopped! Our future depends on it. Stop this before it’s too late!
J’ai honte II feel awfully ashame of my government
I have notified Jennie Stevens regarding Bills 195 and 197. I am very much against these Bill’s.
No rushing things through
There should always be public consultation.
This is so sneaky of this gov to do this during a pandemic when people are not paying attention. Environmental regulations have been established to ensure due diligence, this is not right.
Please put the environment above commercial development.
The cynical moves on the part if the current Ontario government to pass the egregious Bill 197 during the COVID crisis while we are attempting to address the effects of a climate emergency expose a dead political philosophy. This is not the time – there is indeed no right time – for changes to the Environmental Assessment Act which affect the Environmental Bill of Rights. Wise stewardship is needed for ecologically just decisions about exploitation of natural resources and other kinds of development, This move is paltry and an insult to the integrity of most Ontarians.
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I am concerned that the Government of Ontario is introducing an omnibus bill (Bill 197) which proposes to amend 20 pieces of legislation with minimum debate in the Legislature and no public consultation. Public oversight and participation in environmental decision-making is extremely important. I am asking you to stand up for environmental health and community well-being by voting against Bill 197.
A sad day for the environment and the Health and Safety of the residents of Ontario.
This is unacceptable and opens the door to the destruction of nature without proper input.
And include places like Guelph wrongfully designated by province as outside the green belt! Guelph should be greenbelt it is being ruined with over development. We have the ONLY Green Party MPP AND we are home of Ontario Agricultural College. Whoever decided to lock us out of the greenbelt have a lot to answer for!
Bill 197 cannot be allowed to pass into to law. It is regressive and will cause harm through negligence and disregard of the environment. The way the Ontario government is attempting to pass into law is appalling.
Everyone recognizes my car because of my “I brake for turtles” sticker. We need to continue to protect our natural resources.
There is lots of land not suitable for farming. Make developers build these subdivisions on that. We need to be more careful in protecting our land suited for food production and our natural resources.
Doug Ford get environmentally progressive or get out of office!
Come on Ontario, let’s not go backwards! Do what’s right!