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© Lora Denis
If you’d like to vote for nature in the upcoming provincial election, the results of a survey conducted for the Green Prosperity groups will be of interest. Thirteen leading environmental organizations, including Ontario Nature, asked the four major political parties to describe their vision for making Ontario an environmental leader.
With respect to protected areas specifically they asked the parties how they would meet the Aichi targets agreed to by Canada and Ontario, which require protection of at least 17% of Ontario’s lands and waters.
What did they have to say?
Liberal Response:
The Ontario Liberal Party believes that our natural world sustains us – our businesses, communities and quality of life.
As an active participant in Canada’s Pathway initiative, Ontario supports the federal government’s commitment to protect 17 per cent of Canada’s terrestrial lands and inland waters by 2020. We look forward to receiving the recommendations that come out of the Pathway work, including how Ontario could contribute toward both the quantitative and qualitative elements of Canada Target 1. In the interim, our government continues to collaborate with representatives from all levels of government, Indigenous groups and others to protect and conserve areas throughout the province.
We will be providing $15 million over three years to agencies, land trusts and individual land stewards to help conserve biodiversity in settled areas. Moreover, we will continue to collaborate with First Nations on Community-Based Land Use Plans which include identifying new dedicated protected areas in the Far North of Ontario. In 2017, we added nearly 2,600 hectares to provincial parks and conservation reserves – this includes a new nature reserve class park that ensures a provincially significant wetland is protected.
PC Response:
No response.
NDP Response:
The Ontario NDP will protect more of Ontario’s wild spaces, including an expansion of Ontario’s parks system, in consultation with First Nations.
Green Response:
In order to meet the Aichi targets agreed to by Canada and Ontario, which require protection of at least 17% of Ontario’s lands and waters, the Green Party of Ontario supports:
For the parties’ positions on other topics, including wetlands, endangered species, climate action and more, click here.
Be sure to vote on June 7, 2018!
© Lena Morrison
Hello folks yes I supported green in this election. It would be nice to see a couple of seats go green. I donot think it is a wasted vote because I am making my vote count. There are some “smart people” in the field of environment. So Go Green for a change.
I don’t hold out much hope that any of the parties (except maybe the Greens) will make the environment a key issue, which is very unfortunate as we are at the tipping point now for many environmental concerns.
Would love to vote Green, their response is very good and shows they actually are knowledgeable and have a plan, but I’m torn because, strategically, it’d likely be a wasted vote. Disappointed at the NDP response which is how I was thinking of voting in order to stop Doug Ford and the PC’s from getting in, as they have no interest in protecting the environment. The Liberal response was pretty good but they had their chance and didn’t do much. This is a tough one, Green or go for the strategic vote, NDP.
Although the Green Party has the best response, we seem to be a long ways from having an elevated consciousness in regards to the environment and Nature. The topic has hardly been discussed nor addressed by the major political parties during this campaign. We need to go beyond protection of wild places to fostering greater RESPECT of Nature. As a member of the Couchiching Conservancy I notice the ravages of ATVs, garbage, illegal campsites, dogs off leases and noise on reserves and other ‘protected lands’ here in Simcoe County. Many of our roads are killers and cemeteries for wildlife.
We need non-partisan commitments, focus, education and laws that will go beyond 4 -8 year mandates of political parties and guarantee long term permanent protection and action, i.e carbon and methane reductions. The 17% protected lands goal should not be compartmentalized. The other 83% of lands need to also be better treated, managed and have increased natural features and capacity to support bio-diversity. The Federal Govt needs to do more to reach respectful treaties with First Nations rather then focusing on monetary and sharing shares in development profits from large multinational companies, i.e. tar sands. Work with First Nations people in becoming stronger advocates, educators and stewards for protected lands.
I am not at all surprised at the lack of response from the PC’s…it’s consistent with their disdain and lack of respect for the Ontario voter…I hope the Ontario electorate is not gullible enough to elect Doug Ford!
Thank you for sharing the results of the survey on how the various political parties stand on environmental concerns. I found this information useful in helping me decide how I will vote in the upcoming provincial election.
Was anyone surprised at the lack of reply by P.C.s? disgusting.
Our most valuable resource cannot be forgotten or exploited.
Liberal response was comprehensive, but “Places to Grow”, which incrementally eats up farmland and green space, is very worrisome.
Go Green.
One aspect of this discussion should include the specific protection of Ontario’s moraines from degradation of their water recharge and natural purification functions by aggregate extraction operations. The tipping point at which water must be the priority is now.
The Liberals seem to have a good reply. The PC party’s reply shows its lack of interest. The NDP reply shows that it hasn’t given this topic much thought. The Green Party gave a detailed and obviously well thought out reply to this question. I am impressed!