Award winners (left to right): Andrew Reeves, Dale Leadbeater and Anne Barbour of CKL Flora, Beth Gilhespy of Bruce Trail Conservancy, Kyle Clarke, Donald J. Kerr, Mark Eastman, Graham MacDonald ...
Naturalists from across the province participated in Ontario Nature’s 82nd annual general meeting and gathering at Cawthra Mulock Nature Reserve on June 8, 2013. The exceptional contributions of five individuals ...
(left to right) Anita Caveney, accepted on behalf of Sandy Levin; Fraser and Owen Darling; Harry Lumsden; Dieter Shoenefeld; Ken Reger; Jenny Bull; and Mark Van Patter, on behalf of ...
(Back row, left to right) Skye MacKenzie, Allan Elgar, Linda Elgar, Fraser Gibson, Peter Delanty, Mia Frankl, Michael Mesure, Brendon Larson, Moe Qureshi (front row, left to right) Iris McGee, ...
Ontario Nature Conservation Award winners: (from left to right) Brendon Larson, president of the Ontario Nature board (on behalf of Vic Orr), Emily Conger (A2A), Megan Wilcox, Clarke Birchard, Cameron ...