Ontario Nature Blog
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© Lora Denis
Malcolm Bluff Shores Nature Reserve hike
The following are interim guidelines applicable to all nature reserves until such time as Management Plans are developed for nature reserves. It is understood that Management Plans will set out permitted and non-permitted activities taking into account the specific goals, attributes and circumstances of each nature reserve.
The following uses are permitted:
The following uses are not permitted, except by approval of Ontario Nature:
Ontario Nature, when considering the approval of such activities will consult with the appropriate staff including the Executive Director; consult with and/or inform local naturalist clubs, stewardship groups, and Ontario Nature directors.
Non-permitted activities are occasionally approved when the activity pre-dates Ontario Nature ownership of the property, continuation of the activity builds community support for protection efforts, and the activity does not have a detrimental impact on the natural values of the reserve.
Ontario Nature recognizes that Indigenous treaty rights to hunt, trap, fish and conduct ceremonies on traditional lands are protected under the Canadian Constitution.
You can download our Permitted Activities Policy.
Northern leopard frog © Jozsef Szasz-Fabian
Good morning,
I’m curious to know if camping is allowed on the big island on Black Donald Lake near Calabogie. It is designated as a Nature Reserve on the Crown Land Atlas (designated P402).
Thank you,
Stu Drake
Hi Stuart,
You may want to contact The Crown Land Use Policy Atlas office of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry: https://www.ontario.ca/feedback/contact-us?id=26930&nid=45451
Ontario Nature is not a government agency. Ontario Nature is a non-governmental organization, and a not-for-profit environmental organization.
We would like more information about how to apply to have an area designated as a nature reserve
There is a NEC/conservation area we are trying to protect from motorized vehicles such as ATV. We are want to protect against further logging
We look forward to hearing from you