Modelling Ontario Nature gear with coworker, Maggie Janik.
Even though a grand adventure was on the horizon, I dreaded leaving Ontario Nature last month. On my last day, I was sappy one moment, numb the next. Let me ...
Snapping turtle research with Ontario Nature staff
Step 1. Scoop the turtle into your net. Step 2. Lift the turtle into your canoe. Word of warning – this is easier said than done. Be prepared to need ...
Most people try to avoid encounters with venomous reptiles, but that wasn’t the case for the team of Ontario Nature staff that I accompanied to the Saugeen-Bruce Peninsula last week. ...
When Ontario Nature’s conservation staff drive around the province for field work it’s never relaxing. Instead of sitting back and watching the scenery, we keep our eyes pinned to the ...
Having grown up in the Middle East, in the midst of either a bustling city or an open desert, going to the Bruce Peninsula for the Remarkable Reptiles Weekend and ...