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Anita and Stan’s Story

Carolinian Life Zone © Anita Caveney

For Nature Forever Circle

Anita and her husband Stan share a love for the Carolinian Life Zone, especially its forests, which are increasingly hard to find in Southwestern Ontario. “We took one look at property near the Lake Erie shoreline and said, This is for us. The only things we don’t like are the ticks.”

The Caveneys’ dream is to restore the natural features of the forest and wetlands on the undeveloped property they now own and steward. Several wildlife ponds have been created. Every year Stan plants more native trees and removes non-native plants. They keep a yearly log book of flora and fauna recorded, and happily report that indigenous plants like sassafras and tulip trees are thriving again.

Anita and Stan Caveney, For Nature Forever Circle members

Woodlands and Wetlands Forever

Anita feels strongly that the next generation should understand how important woodland and wetland conservation is for both wildlife and our own well-being.

Her love of nature was a gift from her parents, who took the family to a national park every year, in her home country of South Africa. Anita and Stan want children to have the same opportunity to explore and love nature. Leaving a gift to Ontario Nature in their will is an expression of their desire to promote healthy and more biodiverse nature in the future.

Annual Gathering 2016 Anita Caveney and Stan Caveney © John Hassell

“The forest calms me down. In the forest, the air is sweet, sounds of nature are good, and the silence is magical.”

– Anita Caveney