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Contact Us

We are here to help.

Great crested flycatcher © Bill MacDonald

Ontario Nature

Ontario Nature @ Centre for Social Innovation
720 Bathurst Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 2R4

416-444-8419, toll-free (within Ontario): 1-800-440-2366

Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

* We are not a wildlife rescue organization. Visit our FAQs below for organizations that you can contact to report sightings.

Smera Sukumar measuring tree height with a clinometer © Stephanie Muckle

Boreal Conservation Office

As of April 1, 2023, Ontario Nature is no longer maintaining a physical office in Thunder Bay. With the increase in remote working, our staff are now based in communities across Ontario. Much of the work in northern Ontario led by our former Boreal Conservation Office is being continued through our Protected Places Campaign, Endangered Species Campaign and the collaborative Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas-3.

We continue to be a strong voice for nature in northern Ontario.

Please direct all communications to our Head Office:

Ontario Nature @ CSI, 720 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON M5R 3S6

Staff hike © Noah Cole


Merlin falcon © Lindsay Barden


Contacts to report diseased, injured, dead or abandoned wildlife:

Caroline Schultz © Jeff Kirk