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Help Expand Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve!

Please protect your share of this critical habitat

Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve © Smera Sukumar

Give Today

We have an incredible opportunity right now to purchase a 58-acre parcel of land and expand our Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve in the globally important Frontenac Arch area of eastern Ontario. And we need your help!

Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve © Kirsten Dahl


With extensive shoreline, granite ridges, rich hardwood forest and Provincially Significant Wetlands, this landscape supports a vast diversity of wildlife. This area has become a special place of refuge for species that are at risk elsewhere in Ontario.

Surveys completed on the adjacent Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve revealed 18 species at risk and 20 rare species are likely inhabiting this property. The deciduous forest canopy hosts endangered cerulean and threatened golden-winged warblers. Wetlands and vernal pools dotted throughout the property provide important breeding habitat for the federally threatened western chorus frog, support foraging and basking habitat for the eastern ribbonsnake (special concern), and gray ratsnakes (threatened).

Golden-winged warbler © Bill McDonald

Nature Corridor

This is a unique opportunity to protect biodiverse, intact natural habitats within south-eastern Ontario in the Frontenac Arch, recognized as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Part of an important land bridge stretching from the Algonquin Highlands to Adirondack Mountains, this property will be a steppingstone for wildlife as they migrate and travel along this north-south wildlife corridor.

The effects of climate change are visible having cascading impacts across ecosystems and food chains. Erratic weather patterns have impacted migratory routes and timing, emergence from hibernation, flowering and seeding timing of plants. A crucial method to increasing resiliency to this threat is through protecting more lands, providing species a fighting chance as they search for habitat further north for alternative migratory, breeding, and foraging lands.

Yates Parcel, Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve © Smera Sukumar

“This property offers unique geology and biodiversity—it’s quite fascinating! Cliffs, rock outcrops, hilly forests, shorelines—and not to mention the 6-foot long ratsnakes! Nature developed this magnificent property and it simply cannot be improved. I’m ecstatic at the possibility of protecting it forever.” — Dr. Stephen Yates

How You Can Help

Ontario Nature urgently needs to raise $400,000 to realize this unique opportunity and expand our Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve. You can help by making a gift today.

Your gift will allow Ontario Nature to protect this property forever, and it will fund the long-term stewardship of shorelines, wetlands and interior forests. Thank you!

Please contact Lisa Kamenar at 416-444-8419 ext. 233 or to learn more.

Donors who give over $1,000 will have their name added to the nature reserve’s welcome sign to recognize their generosity.

Gananoque Lake Nature Reserve © Smera Sukumar
